Thursday, December 2, 2010

Doc Rotten's Movie Monsters of 2010: The Wolf Man

For each weekday throughout December, Doc Rotten will be looking back at 2010 examining 20 Movie Monsters of the year.Check back each day and rate how successful the monster worked on the big screen, DVD or BluRay. On December 31, we'll look at all 20 Monsters in order of their popularity. Let's take a look at today's Movie Monster of 2010.

Benicio Del Toro as Lawrence Talbot in THE WOLFMAN

One of the most anticipated movie monsters of 2010 was the remake of Universal’s Wolf Man starring Benicio Del Toro as Lawrence Talbot cursed to become a werewolf. The film, directed by Joe Johnson and written by Andrew Kevin Walker and David Self, features astonishing make up effects by the legendary Rick Baker. Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt and Hugo Weaving costar in the feature. The movie, budgeted at $150 million,  was released, after a tumultuous history of scheduling changes, on February 12th and grossed over $142 million. The story itself resembles closely the original story from 1941, but expands on its themes but loses the intimacy along the way. The creature make up is fantastic but is marred by the addition of CGI.

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