Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Review: Young Frankenstein (1974)

Young Frankenstein (1974)

Directed by Mel Brooks.
Written by Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks.

Starring Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Marty Feldman, Cloris Leachman, Teri Garr and Kenneth Mars.

"The scariest comedy of all time!"

 I was delighted when my eight (8) year old daughter wanted to watch a horror movie. She loves them. Her favorites are Jaws, The Birds and The House on Haunted Hill. We searched my library of horror DVDs and came up with Mel Brook's classic horror comedy from 1974, Young Frankenstein. She was even thrilled it was going to be in black and white. Ah, the heart warms. I was surprised that I hadn't revisited the Gene Wilder starer in over a few decades at least.

Young Frankenstein is a treat, not really scary at all, but a delightful homage to Universal Horror films and similar horror classics from the 30's and 40's. It's the story of a young neurosurgeon named Dr. Frederick Frankenstein (Gene Wilder) who inherits his grandfather's castle. Once he arrives at the castle, he is joined by the hunchback Igor (Marty Feldman), the attractive lab assistant Inga (Teri Garr) and the old housekeeper Frau Blucher (Cloris Leachman) [key neighing horses]. Together they begin to uncover the secrets of the original Dr. Frankenstein and create a new monster, played by Peter Boyle. Things get out of hand when Inspector Kemp (Kenneth Mars) begins snooping around and Frederick's uptight fiance, Elizabeth (Madeline Kahn) arrives. The monster escapes, hilarity ensues and a joyous romp is had by all. Even Gene Hackman makes a cameo appearance as the blind man who tries to befriend the Monster. Good times.

The sets are dressed with atmosphere that was surely stolen from the Universal lots. Mel Brooks was able to get the same props from the original Frankenstein films. Filmed in black and white, Young Frankenstein is like sitting down to watch a classic yarn with an old friends. All this helps sell the slapstick, the comedy and funniest of lines ever in a horror flick. Gene Wilder, who helped pen the script, is brilliant as Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, playing the film's straight-man. Teri Garr is sensational as Inga and is both funny and sexy. Marty Feldman nearly steals the entire movie as Igor with his unique look and smart delivery. Kenneth Mars chews the scenery as Inspector Kemp with charm. The entire cast is perfect.

After all this time, the movie holds up surprisingly well, perhaps even better than ever. When I originally saw it in the theaters, I was too young to appreciate much of its humor. Later, when I saw it again in the 80's I was too into the gore and the astonishing effects of the day to appreciate it at all. However, today, a more mellow movie maniac, it hits every note with perfection, bringing some chills, many laughs, and loving nostalgia of a more innocent type of horror film. If you're a fan of Universal Horror, if Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein puts a smile on your face, then Young Frankenstein is the film for you.

Every horror fan should find a time in their lives to sit down and enjoy this classic comedy horror flick. Highly recommended.

8.5 out of 10

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